let internship =

It’s here – the last week of the Outreachy internship. It’s been a blast! I learned so many new things: protocols for dependency injection and mocking the agile sprint cycle in practice unit testing in Xcode refactoring from MVC to MVVM passing data around with completion blocks the importance of avoiding force unwraps, strong references,Continue reading “let internship =”

var coreValues = InnerHarmony

I value inner harmony. Honestly, it sounds like a pretty cheesy term, but hear me out – I think people should consider their internal function more often. What makes you work as a person? I believe the cogs in a person’s behavior revolve around mental health, physical health and the things in your life thatContinue reading “var coreValues = InnerHarmony”

let applying =

The actual application process for Outreachy was quite simple – 1) answer some essay questions about your experience with under-representation, systemic bias, or discrimination during your journey to the technology industry, 2) choose a project, and 3) contribute to the open-source software you’re interested in. I suppose I’ll break down what I did under thoseContinue reading “let applying =”

let intro =

I’m Vanna, just someone actively avoiding their quarter-life crisis while living in Southern California. I don’t usually broadcast myself to the world; on any given day, I’d prefer to journal my thoughts. But today, I’m leaping outside of my comfort zone thanks to the Outreachy Summer 2020 program. I intend to post about my growthContinue reading “let intro =”

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